戴国锟(Guokun Dai) 戴国锟 副教授 daigk@fudan.edu.cn 021-31248857
研究兴趣 北极与中纬度天气气候的联系,中纬度天气气候可预测性 教育背景 2008年9月-2012年7月,南京信息工程大学,理学学士 2012年9月-2017年7月,中国科学院大气物理研究所,理学博士
研究经历 2017年6月-2021年5月,复旦大学,博士后 2021年5月-至今,复旦大学,青年副研究员
承担课题 1.国家自然基金委青年科学基金,“冬季北极对流层快速增温事件对中纬度极端低温事件对影响及机理研究”,2021年1月-2023年12月,主持 2.LASG国家重点实验室开放基金,“近年来中国冬季极端冷事件对可预报性研究”,2019年1月-2020年12月,主持 3.国家自然基金委重大项目,“北极海-冰-气系统对欧亚大陆冬季极端天气事件可预报性的影响”,2018年1月-2022年12月,参与
教学经历 2021年9月 — 至今,可预报性、资料同化和集合预报,研究生课程,复旦大学大气与海洋科学系 发表论文 (本人名称加粗,通讯作者加*号) 1.Dai, G., Mu, M., & Jiang, Z.* (2016). Relationships between optimal precursors triggering NAO onset and optimally growing initial errors during NAO prediction. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 73(1), 293-317. 2.Dai, G., Mu, M., & Jiang, Z.* (2019). Evaluation of the forecast performance for North Atlantic Oscillation onset. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 36(7), 753-765. 3.Dai, G., Mu, M.*, & Jiang, Z. (2019). Targeted Observations for Improving Prediction of the NAO Onset. Journal of Meteorological Research, 33(6), 1044-1059. 4.Dai, G., & Mu, M.* (2020). Influence of the Arctic on the predictability of Eurasian winter extreme weather events. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 37(4), 307-317. 5.Dai, G., & Mu, M.* (2020). Arctic Influence on the Eastern Asian Cold Surge Forecast: A Case Study of January 2016. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125(23), e2020JD033298. 6.Dai, G., Mu, M.*, Li, C., Han, Z., & Wang, L. (2021). Evaluation of the Forecast Performance for Extreme Cold Events in East Asia with Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Datasets from ECMWF. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126(1), e2020JD033860. 7.Dai, G., Mu, M.*, & Wang, L. (2021). The Influence of Sudden Arctic Sea-Ice Thinning on North Atlantic Oscillation Events. Atmosphere-Ocean, 59(1), 39-52. 8.Dai, G., Li, C., Han Z.*, Luo, D, & Yao, Y. (2021). The nature and predictability of the East Asian extreme cold events of 2020/21. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. 9.Yuan, S., Luo, X., Mu, B.*, Li, J., & Dai, G. (2019). Prediction of North Atlantic Oscillation index with convolutional LSTM based on ensemble empirical mode decomposition. Atmosphere, 10(5), 252. 10.Mu, B., Li, J., Yuan, S.*, Luo, X., & Dai, G. (2020). CNOP-P-Based Parameter Sensitivity Analysis for North Atlantic Oscillation in Community Earth System Model Using Intelligence Algorithms. Advances in Meteorology, 2020. 11.Zhang, R.*, Zhang, R., & Dai, G. (2021). Intraseasonal contributions of Arctic sea-ice loss and Pacific decadal oscillation to a century cold event during early 2020/21 winter. Climate Dynamics. 12.Chen, R., Dai, G., Liu, R., & Wang, L.* (2021). Seasonal Influence of the Atmosphere and Ocean on the Fall Sea Ice Extent in the Barents-Kara Seas. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126, e2021JD035114. #以上信息由本人提供,更新时间:2021/11/11 |