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2023/09/06 - 李昊 - 中期天气预报大模型-FuXi (伏羲): The first machine learning forecasting system with comparable perfor...
2023/09/07 - Gang Chen - Large-scale Dynamics of Northern Hemisphere Winter Extremes in a Warming Climate
2023/08/14 - 靳春寒 - How much we know about the hydroclimate over Tianshan Mountain-the central Asian water tower
2023/08/14 - 刘飞 - Tropical Volcanism Enhanced the East Asian Summer Monsoon during the Last Millennium
2023/08/12 - 王斌 - Why so many double and triple La Niña events emerged recently
2023/07/24 - 丁敏芳 - Understanding extreme events in a changing climate
2023/07/18 - 王强 - Recent and future changes in the Arctic Ocean
2023/08/07 - Fei Chen - Improving the representation of land-atmosphere interactions in high-resolution regional climat...
2023/07/07 - Niklas Boers - Earth System Dynamics: Critical Transitions, Extreme Events, and Machine Learning
2023/07/09 - 陈栢纬 - 香港天文台簡介及航空氣象的新发展
2023/06/26 - 曹剑 - 人为气溶胶和温室气体对全球热带气旋频数的可能影响
2023/06/26 - 连涛 - CMIP6模式热带印度洋海温偏差模拟成因及影响
2023/06/20 - 张琼 - Multi-centennial Holocene climate variability in proxies and climate model simulations
2023/06/26 - 吴波 - ENSO驱动热带降水异常的机制及其在全球变暖背景下的变化
2023/06/19 - 梁宇 - Linking the Madden-Julian Oscillation, tropical cyclones and westerly wind bursts as part of El Niño...